Banila Co - Clean It Zero Cleansing Balm

This cult favorite still melts off stubborn makeup seamlessly without stripping your skin of its natural oils, it naturally exfoliates and brightens with vitamin C-rich acerola extract. But now, mineral oil has been replaced with natural ester oil, butylated hydroxytoluene is gone and skin-friendly vitamin E acetate is in its place (allowing this cleanser to be used on all skin types, even kids!), and butyl parahydroxybenzoate has been replaced with phenoxyethanol, an ingredient naturally derived from green tea to provide a fresh, rose scent. 100ml
بلسم تنظيف الوجه الجديد كلين إت زيرو 100 مل
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يُوفر الملمس الأكثر نعومة ورقة درجة ذوبان أعلى، ما يضمن عدم ذوبانه في الصيف
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